The Internal Alignment of Kim Namjoon


Subject: Kim Namjoon, born September 12, 1994— Virgo

Performed: March 22, 2019

Original Post Date: March 29, 2019

Spread: Internal Alignment, original design by BlueMoonPunch

Deck: Wisdom of The Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid

Time: 1 hour

Details: The Internal Alignment reading is designed to showcase an individual’s current state of alignment with their Internal Energies such as the Higher Self, Soul Urge, and Soul Purpose.


This reading was done kind of out of nowhere and relatively quickly so please excuse the nonsense if it seems kind of jumbled and also excuse the fact that I used the wrong cards for this reading. There’s supposed to be Tarot cards involved in the main spread along with the Oracle cards, but it doesn’t really make that much of a difference. Just wanted to point it out in case anyone confused this reading with an External Alignment which uses all Oracle cards.


I was guided to do this reading because apparently Namjoon is making strides and apparently it's important to know RIGHT NOW and not a few weeks from now, so here it is I guess.

I first noticed some interesting things in the last batch of mini-readings that I did where it came up in Energy Check-Ups for both Yoongi and Hoseok that Namjoon was influencing them towards balance and conscious level stimulation that was pushing them along energetically with the integration process. I didn’t really think it was that big of a deal since Namjoon’s own process was right on track and that was something that he was meant to do, and I’ve already talked about it a few times, but it’s important that I point this out and explore this deeper now.

But yeah, I’ve talked about it in his December reading which was an External Alignment. It also came up in the OT7 2019 Outlook Reading (the updated one), and way before that, it was in Namjoon and Jin’s relationship reading. It has to do with the Soul Body and the Soul Body Healing. Long story short, Namjoon disconnected consciously from his soul intuition which disconnected the entire Soul Body from their source energy, which threw off the balance of the body, which made it extremely vulnerable, which lead to the easy manipulation and attack of that soul body along with external manipulation to go right along with it. You can read more about all of that stuff here in this archive post if you want.

Basically, one of the major things that Namjoon would have to do in order to really get things balanced again with himself on a conscious level was to self-analyze and criticize his own past thoughts and actions over the last couple of years without applying his own logic or intellect. He was doing that, he’s been doing that, and apparently he’s done diddly dang finished that. I mean, probably not finished, but he’s at a point where he’s consciously connected and balanced enough that he’s talking and actually initiating those conscious level shifts like he’s meant to be. Things are moving again on an internal basis within the Soul Body, which is great because that means that they will eventually be in sync again, which will allow them to separate together.


I had already pulled some cards but I didn’t get a photo of the set as I really wasn’t set up to do a reading or really thinking I would be, so we’ll start from here. The first set there is The Empress followed by The Hermit, a combination that is producing the Ace of Cups and the Knight of Swords, a pair that is cleansing and picking apart (analyzing) the 9 of Swords, 5 of Swords, and the 7 of Swords (negative past thoughts and actions).

This is that self-analysis stuff that I was talking about. The Empress, as I’ve mentioned before, is Namjoon when he’s in sync with his emotional body, which is connected to Yoongi’s energetic state or energy center. That introspective, higher mind vibe is Namjoon completely centered in The Hermit. Neither of these energies is independent so something, other than just Yoongi and his Guides, something external caused him to shift into that mindset. It’s clearly not 100% him as the Ace of Cups is the purest emotional perspective, the acceptance, and receptivity to what he is observing while the Knight is Namjoon’s regular mindset that wants to pick things apart and turn it into a learning experience, something he does to help separate himself from his emotions.

So, with those two combined he’s analyzing what is represented by the 9, 5, and 7 of Swords. The 9 of Swords is his own mistakes associated with what lead to the shit that happened over the last couple of years. It’s the hardest part for him to really process as he has to really judge himself and admit that he messed up and that he dropped the ball because he got scared. The 7 of Swords is the fault of the company, mostly around the poor decisions that were made by the company in place of where Namjoon and the group, in general, would usually have a say or much more creative input. Then the 5 of Swords is the negative influence and “cheating” that occurred externally with the “outside help” which only came about because both Namjoon and the company gave up their control to them, both doing so out of fear and feeling overwhelmed. 

FYI, the outside help was the assistance in the US. In the original Outlook reading, I wasn’t sure if that “foreign people” were Australian or American, but I think it’s pretty obvious now at this point that it was purely American.

So, there’s all of that.

The next set is pretty neat with Temperance, The High Priestess, and then the Queen of Swords showing a clean connection between the unconscious, subconscious, and conscious mind (represented in that order) as the connection has channeled information running straight down into the Queen. The Queen then sends Death, who carries the Ace of Swords (clearer mind and higher perspective), out to literally kill off and cut ties with whatever is left of those past mistakes or ideas. The focus on Swords is mainly around mindset, perception, and understanding which, as I mentioned, is what Namjoon is specifically focused when it comes to his individual soul purpose.

The next set is The Lovers and The Hanged Man connected and exchanging energy via the 8 of Wands. The Hanged Man is Namjoon’s card specifically when in reference to his energy center in the Soul Body. The previous set shows the connections through the layers of consciousness, but that unconscious connection, Temperance, is being funneled through The Hanged Man who is connected to The Lovers which is representative of their source energy. These two sets came out separately to reiterate that Namjoon has no conscious level understanding or awareness to the Soul Body, Guides, Higher Self, none of that shit. He’s fully in the understanding that what he channels is simply his own brain making things click, his own understanding fully centered within the layers of consciousness.

A conscious level link is not required for this connection to actually be clear, he, on a conscious level, just needs to trust what he feels and understands. Basically, as long as his conscious mind is in tune with the subconscious mind, his subconscious mind will be in tune with the unconscious mind, and as long as the subconscious mind is in tune with the unconscious mind, there will be a clear and easy connection between the unconscious mind and the Higher Self, which is already clearly connected to the source energy. The conscious mind does not have to be directly connected to the source energy as everything just kind of falls through the layers if the lines are clear.

Then finally the last set shows yet again the projection of the soul which was mentioned about a thousand times throughout the December readings and within the OT7 2019 Outlook reading in relation to the Sun. There is The Fool and Strength being projected into the physical space in full manifestation through the 10 of Pentacles.

Pretty much Namjoon is on his shit again and is getting everyone else on his shit, so it’s going to be important to pay attention to him and what he says, what he shares, what he writes. I imagine the album will be pretty significant with this as well.


So, with that last bit about it being important now to pay attention to him and the album, I was just like, “oh, that must be why I have to do this reading RIGHT NOW” and to confirm that I pulled again and this set flopped out altogether in the order you see them here. It’s very, very interesting.

Pretty much you have Namjoon being a channel or conduit for the energies of The Lovers (their source energy), Death (the definitive shift in awareness and consciousness), and The Fool (conscious level activations). This is being projected out through the 8 of Wands towards the 4 of Cups, which is the audience, the soul group, whoever, whatever, it doesn’t feel exclusive in any way. The reason I have to do this reading RIGHT NOW is that as the 4 of Cups, no one is going to pay attention to what Namjoon says, or you’re going to miss the bigger picture. People are going to be analyzing things superficially, riding that ~bts theory~ train all the way to Pompeii.

The analysis needs to be looked at from an internal point of view first, as in what he says (or what they all say I guess), what’s in the album, what is written, needs to be applied to yourself and then analyzed before group perspective is applied for the sake of fun theory and world building. FYI, that’s how HYYH and Wings were meant to be as well, which most people did since three wasn’t so much stuff already cemented into the “BTS Universe” with the storyline. The personal interpretation was prioritized first over what is now considered to be set in stone. Then shit got all wonky and weird with LY so people are more likely to focus on the very surface level stuff. 

I think they said it would be a completely new series, but I imagine there would still be references to previous storylines. Even still, apply the information neutrally to yourself first before making it a superficial analysis. That personal interpretation and self-analysis will be where the activations come in, not so much through group effort and understanding. Of course, that doesn’t mean that you can’t or shouldn’t participate in the theories and all that fun stuff, you should, but after you’ve solidified you’re own understanding.

The Reading:


Where The Higher Self Is Currently Guiding Him: Time For A Nap

Conscious Alignment: Deep Knowing

How This Alignment Manifests: Observer

I wanted to put these three sets together because they are pretty much one solid thing. Namjoon’s Higher Self is literally guiding him to “sleep” or to meditate, bring his conscious awareness towards the subconscious and unconscious mind. All three of these cards feature the Moon, and the Moon in the ‘Time For A Nap’ card and the ‘Observer’ are the same, and both cards feature foxes. The fox in ‘Time For A Nap’ is asleep on the Moon, while the fox in ‘Observer’ is looking at the moon from afar through a telescope. The Fox with the telescope is the conscious mind observing the subconscious mind represented by the sleeping fox. He’s viewing the “sleeping” or hidden part of himself. The Moon is a symbol of the subconscious mind and the emotional realm, all things hidden and constantly changing.

So, you have his Higher Self guiding him to “sleep,” then Namjoon consciously aligning with that through Deep Knowing, a literal state of contemplative awareness. It’s that “clicking” thing where he just gets it, he just knows that he has to do it, it’s a strong intuitive urge to observe himself rather than being told to do it directly. The image is of an owl sitting on what looks to be some kind of planet, take that as the physical space or the superficial and intellectual level of the conscious mind, and the owls head is in line with the Moon that seems to be further off in the distance. This is literally showing him as actively and willingly bringing his mind to a higher standing by simply shifting his awareness deeper into himself. 

The fact that the Owl’s eyes are closed in this image compared to the eyes of the Owl in the Truth Be Told card that were wide open, which came out in his External Alignment reading, shows that detachment from the intellectual analysis. It’s the Ace of Cups balancing with the Knight of Swords.

As for how this alignment manifests he has the Observer, which pretty much speaks for itself. Aside from the obvious meaning, there is more to it in the image. The fox is sat on an egg, a symbol for the head, the conscious or intellectual mind. So, the fox — Namjoon — is observing the Moon, specifically the Moon from the ‘Time For A Nap’ card which would be the dream, or the transmission, the information, the guidance towards his self-analysis. Within that “dream” he sees himself, or a reflection of himself in a different position as the fox that sleeps on the moon.

So, it’s just this big package of his Higher Self connecting him to everything he needs in order to shift his conscious perception and awareness of himself, which is starting with self-analysis, and Namjoon is actively participating in it by actually analyzing himself from a place of emotion and intuition rather than intellect and logic. It’s literally like he’s empathizing with himself.

This is reflecting that whole thing with the connection through Temperance, The High Priestess, then the Queen of Swords followed by the exchange between The Hanged Man and The Lovers. The Observer would be more in line with the Queen, while Deep Knowing would be a connection between Temperance and The Hanged Man, and ‘Time For A Nap’ would be the space of The Lovers.


How He Can Maintain This Alignment: Go The Distance

This is pretty simple. The only thing he needs to do to maintain this alignment, maintain this connection is to continue stimulating those energy lines. The only way to do that is for him to continue that singular perspective, that analytical focus towards himself, trusting himself, being in himself more just as he is now. Not really a lot to explain with that one, it’s just to continue what he is doing right now.


What is coming from this alignment: New Life

Again, pretty simple, pretty obvious. The whole point of this alignment and process for Namjoon is to shift him back into that higher mindset and then shift up and out into a new frame of consciousness entirely. As long as he follows what he feels, sticks with trusting himself above everything else, he should have no problem reaching this point relatively quickly.

That's all for this one, thanks for reading!